Sunday, December 26, 2010


 Hello I hope everybody had a great Christmas. Anyway in this post I'm going to be posting about dachshunds they are so cute hope you learn something. Fist I'm going to be posting about the basics the  normal dachshund weight about 8-20 pounds and they are normally 12-18 inches long and they are not very tall, dachshunds live about 12-16 years but most dachshunds get bad back problems because they are so low to the ground and they are kind of shaped like bananas. Anyway dachshunds are have lots of energy so they need to be taken on more then one walk a day they can also be very hard to train because they are so stubborn. Fun fact dachshund is the german word for bagger because they were breed to hunt baggers because they so long they can go down into the tunnel and kill them. they are also very territorial.
That's all for this post I hope you learn something and I hope you post a comment for me with  what you think about the post.  MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR !.


Friday, December 3, 2010

Golden Labrador

Hello again today I'm going to be talking about golden labs personally I think that the are one of the cutest dogs ever and I wish I had one. Anyway today I'm going to telling you about the interesting life and characteristics of the golden lab. I will begin with telling you how much the weigh and how much the eat and stuff like that , first how much the weigh normally, the normal male weighs about 27-60 kg and the normal female normally weigh about 25-42 kg. Now there height the normal male gets to be about 56-63 cm and the normal female is about 54-60 cm. This breed of dogs are very playful and need to let out to exercise at less 2 a days or even more, they are very social and they are differently not shy of people of dogs. There life span is normally live 10-14 years long. So that's my little post on golden labs or yellow labs I hope you enjoyed and I hope you post  a comment or a question I can't wait to hear what you think!
