Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Great Danes

In this post I'm going to talk about great Danes which to this day are one of the biggest yet stupid dogs
in the world I going to tell you all you need to know about Great Danes. First Great Danes normally grow to be  about 28-32 inches for girls  and  30-34 inches for boys, as for weight males are normally 120-200 pounds and girls are normally 100-130 pounds. Great have a fairly good temperament and are normally called gentle giants. Great Danes to play and need lots of walks,they are very good around children and adults.Great Danes originated from Germany and Italy are were mostly used for hunting, guarding and tracking and watchdogs.Also Great Danes are best if they live in a bigger house with a yard for them to play and run around in. The last I'm going to tell you about Great Danes is that they live for about 10-13 years because a lot of them get sick so they do not live as long as some dogs. So that's all I have to tell you I hope you learned something new and I look forward to reading your comments.


Wednesday, February 2, 2011


This blog post I am going to be posting about Sharpies,Sharpies are very cute little fat wrinkly black,white bage and brown they live for about 7-15 years and become 40-65 pounds depending on the type of dog female male. Also have a very maled temper and are extremely easy to train.  Sharpies originated from China and then  were transported around the world. When the have a litter normally has 4-6 puppies. Sharpies can become 18 -29 inches tall. Did you know that Sharpies were mistake for a type of pug cross because of there curly tail, Sharpies are know for there black and blue tougue and there deep wrinkles. So that is all I have to say about Shape is and I hope you leave comment for me to read.


Thursday, January 20, 2011


Today I'm going to post about Beagles now to start off I'll name the basics Beagles originated from great
Britain and they were used to hunt smaller animals,the average weight of a beagle is about 18 - 30 lbs this will change if they are a girl or a boy  normally male Beagles are bigger then a female beagle , next fact is that today beagles are very rarely used for hunting , normally beagles can be around 13 to 38cm tall and this can change just like there weight. Beagles are also one of the feu dogs that don't drool a ton and they don't shed alot. Beagle like most dog can vary in color. Beagles can live 14- 17 years old because they can have genetic problems like bad eye site and sometimes back problems because there so low to the ground all the time. Beagles use there nose much more then there eyes. Thank for reading I hope you learned something and please leave a comment !
